Saturday, March 5, 2011


Once upon a time there was a girl and a boy who fell madly in love. Everything was so perfect for the first 5 years. Then….

The love of her life was taken away. Love, joy, friends, family, and her future seemed lost to her forever. Then…

 Years passed and pieces fell into place. She had a beautiful son to carry on his father’s name. Her family, friends and loved ones stayed with her and never let her give up. Now back at school and once again in love the future looks hopeful.

For the first picture I took a picture of a Ken and Barbie doll. I took the yellow flower from a photo I had taken on a cruise. The ocean, beach, and sky were also taken from a photo I had taken on a cruise. I masked the Sky and Ocean to get them to look right and I used a lens flare. The yellow flower was then scaled, skewed and liquefied. I laid a copy of the ocean on top of the same picture to get the look I was actually looking for. Ken and Barbie were skewed, scaled, and I changed the image brightness for them.  
For the second picture I took a picture of a Ken and Barbie doll. The ocean, the  sky and the rocks (Hell, Cayman) were taken from photos I had taken on a cruise. The lightening I had borrowed from Google. I masked the Sky and Lightening to get them to look right. Ken was cropped and I changed the opacity. Barbie was skewed and scaled. I liquefied the lightening and the rock pictures.
For the third picture I scanned several old pictures and took a few new pictures. I know this is not a scrap booking class but did not know how else to show the family, friends, and loved ones that got Barbie through her tragedy. For the photos I mostly scaled and skewed them to fit up against each other. I added the words Joy, Life, Friends, Love, Family and Faith. I messed with the font type, size, and color. Some of them I rastersized so that I could do a few filters. I mainly used grain, stained glass and mosaic tiles.


On the first picture I used a dart board that happens to be in my boss’ office as the background.  I scaled it to fit the 11 x 8.5 size page. I then added an eight ball which I used a lens flare and liquefied the edges to give a spin look.  The fortune hand is something I scanned at work which I added an inner shadow and used Rosewood STD, plus I skewed it to fit into its location.  The cards are something I just laid out on my kitchen counter and took a photo. I added glowing edges and texture to the cards. Football is something my son has at the house and again I set it on the counter and took a photo. I used the drop shadow and Frisco. I had to skew it some to get it to fit into its location. The text “sport” is in a Ravie and rotated, “cards” is in Curlz MT and rotated, “game” is in Kristen ITC. I honestly forgot what I decided to go with on “chance”.

For my second picture I used a lot of the same photos. On the cards I skewed, scaled and rotated them. Eight ball is liquefied. Fortune cookie I adjusted the image levels. I scanned the money here in class. I changed the opacity and added an inner shadow. I added the text “chance” skewed and rotated it to fit it on the fortune cookie label.  This sounds so easy when you blog it but it took over four hours to do if you can believe that one.